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Member-only story

Need help with “thoughts and prayers”?

Pierre Whalon


We all know this phrase. Politicians and officials use it. A lot these days. Because this is all they have to offer in the wake of another mass shooting. Thoughts and prayers for the victims. The families and friends. The first responders.

To help them out, I attach this prayer. If you have the emotional stamina, not to mention faith, to pray it to the end, then:

  1. ) Ask that it be used in your house of worship.
  2. Send it to your local officials, members of the state legislature, members of Congress, and senators, offering them this help.
  3. More when you get to the end…

Litany in the Wake of a Mass Shooting

God of peace, we remember all those who have died in incidents of mass gun violence in this nation’s public and private spaces.

Six dead at the Wisconsin Sikh Temple.
Give to the departed eternal rest.
Let light perpetual shine upon them.

Twelve dead at an Aurora, Colorado movie theater.
Give to the departed eternal rest.
Let light perpetual shine upon them.

Twenty-eight dead at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut.
Give to the…



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