Muito bom! Eu diria: “Por favor, eu preciso aprender português, e isso não é possível se você responder em inglês”.
But then you have to try to understand rapid-fire Portuguese. By the way, Portugal is one of my favorite countries. I could live there...
You are absolutely right about the arrogance of native English speakers, I would say, not the arrogance of English. It is a difficult language to learn, lots of memorization, though not as difficult of Portuguese. English also acquired long ago the ability to grab words from other languages without grammatical changes, because French was the language of the court and English spoken by the peasants. They simplified Olde English dramatically—it was as difficult as Icelandic today.
So the peasant patois has not conquered the world—for now. Quem sabe quanto tempo isso vai durar? (apologies for my Portuguese...)