I sure as hell don't believe in this "Christianity" you describe.
A human baby is the weakest kind of newborn animal on Earth. This is how, we believe, that God manifests in our world, a baby born to an unwed mother in the ass-end of Roman Palestine and part of a people groaning under terrible occupation. Doesn't sound very powerful, does he?
As for the role of Satan, he-she-it is the great divider, setting us against each other and God. And who has a hell of a good time doing it.
As for hell itself, read the classic, The Great Divorce, by C. S. Lewis. This is a much better picture, and more faithful too, than the original Persian image of being enclosed in a furnace slowly being stoked (one of their favorite means of execution, along with crucifixion).
The gates of hell are locked from the inside. If it exists, of course...