Excellent—and all too true, Paul. I also remember a video in which a pike was placed in an aquarium with a glass divider. On the other side was a bait fish, its food. After banging itself against the glass, over and over, it stopped trying. The divider was removed, and the pike starved to death with the little fish swimming around it.
I like to note that when Jesus quoted "the first and great commandment" from Deuteronomy, "you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and strength" he added the word "mind." To love with all your mind means to use it for that which it is designed: asking questions and seeking answers.
Communities usually developed biases that restrict questioning, as you point out. That is disobedient! There are no wrong or stupid questions, just wrong or stupid answers. The churches better start asking their members to use their minds!