A very good artilce, Nino. I have preached what you descirbe in various ways, and when I have wondered about the truth of our faith, it comforts me to think that, if the God of love I believe in does not exist, I will at least have gone to my grave telling people that the meaning of life is whom you love and who loves you. And the real work of life is to expand those two circles of people.... that can omnly help, no?
I wonder whether you read further in Thomas' Summa than the first question. Too often, people get sidetracked by I.q.2.a3. The Five Ways are introductory material.
It is good to read the whole Summa, and other works like the other Summa, biblical commentaries, adn so on, and then find much more richly what Thomas meant at the end of his life that all he's written was but straw, compared to what had een revealed to him.